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Vizen Optometric Center Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Join us for a Dry Eye Spa Event!

Our clinic is hosting a DRY EYE THERAPY - SPA EVENT!🤩🥳 JOIN US on Thursday, July 21st from 5-7 pm! We would LOVE to SEE you there! ✨🎊 Dry eye therapy is a safe and non-surgical solution for brighter, youthful eyes! It is an advanced treatment for dry eye and...

Do you have 20/20 vision?

Many kids and adults quietly suffer from vision problems that are often left unnoticed because suffering patients can read the 20/20 line. 😳 Patients may see words blur, double, or move on the page when reading if they have ineffective eye-teaming skills. 🤓Headaches, fatigue, or strained eyes after prolonged screen...

Vision Therapy Graduation!

You would never know that you need vision therapy if you’ve never seen an eye doctor! 🤩 “-I don’t have double vision that often anymore” says our adorable 8 year old patient upon finishing vision therapy! 🎊☺️ She has been with us since the VERY beginning and even mom has...


It's Not Always Dyslexia‼️ 5-15% of people in the US struggle with dyslexia.😳 Because of this high rate, you might not be surprised if your child receives this diagnosis but sometimes that diagnosis deserves a second look.😧 Having eye tracking problems and skipping words when reading is often a vision...

Suffering from Watery Eyes? – We got you!

If you didn’t know, your 👀s secrete natural tears💧 that keep them from drying out. For some people with severe dry eyes, your eyes secrete these tears excessively, resulting in overly watery eyes! 😰 ✨Here are some ways to prevent dry eyes from happening to you at the comfort of...

Your Eyes Say a Lot!

When looking for a youthful look, your eyes are the greatest opportunity!😍 FUN FACT: 👉🏻We tend to lose about 1% collagen AND elastin yearly! Collagen and elastin is important to allow your skin to stay firm and not lose its elasticity through time. Thankfully, our Dry Eye Treatment can help...

Visual Development in Babies!

What can you do with your baby to ensure good visual development?...

Contact Lens Safety

Yes! ✨ Contact lenses are safe for children at any age. 😳 👉🏻 Studies show that it is rare to have an adverse effect from wearing contact lenses as a child. Take a sneak peek at this article regarding children who do wear soft lenses compared to those who just wear...

Help Your Dry Eyes!

Using eye drops daily and still not helping with your dry eyes? 🤨 This is likely because the underlying problem is not fully treated. 😳Many times blocked oil glands along your eyelids can cause feelings of dry eyes, scratchiness, redness, itchiness and many more. ✨Our patient is undergoing her second...

Zap away your WRINKLES

Suffering from DRY EYES👀 or unwanted WRINKLES? 👵🏻🧓🏻Look no further!😳 Our eye clinic in San Gabriel Valley is offering breakthrough treatments for dry eyes that also include life changing skin tightening procedures! ✨Treatments are prompt, painless and non-invasive. There is no downtime, just results! 👉🏻Treats chronic dry eyes. 👉🏻Erases under...

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