Day in the life of a Vision Therapist at Vizen Optometric Center!

Our head vision therapist, Erica, goes above and beyond for our patients✨. Today we wanted to showcase to you how a typical day looks like for our therapist who works with pediatric patients during their vision therapy sessions here at our San Gabriel eye clinic! ☺️Our Developmental/Neuro-Optometrists and vision therapists work together to plan individualized activities for each patient to ensure best results. 🤓

Our patient in the video is showing great development with this activity to improve her eye focusing skills and binocular vision. 👀 The red ❤️ and green 💚glasses are worn by the patient to strengthen the weaker eye in the cases of amblyopia or strabismus. 🧠👁

Call or text us today to schedule an appointment with our eye doctor today!


#visiontherapy #visiontherapyworks #pediatricvisiontherapy

#adultvisiontherapy #neurooptometricrehabilitation #strabismus

#amblyopia #dayinthelife #therapist #vision

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