What are the Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

👉🏻Grittiness/sandy sensation
👉🏻Watery eyes
👉🏻Tired eyes

What is Dry Eye Therapy?

📌A radiofrequency treatment that helps to treat your dry eyes. The device warms up the blocked oil tear glands in your eyelid, allowing more oil to flow over the tears on your eyes, which retains the tears and moisture longer. Tears without these key oils evaporate very quickly and lead to Dry Eye Syndrome.😯

With Tempsure Envi✨, we are able to heat the glands to a comfortable temperature to unclog your oil tear glands and lessen the symptoms of dry eyes and improve your quality of life.🤩

Call/text us today to see if you can benefit from our dry eye treatments! 👀

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